
SHOC (Sparse Hydrodynamic Ocean Code) is the hydrodynamic model used by the Coastal Environmental Modelling Team at CSIRO. There are two related formats: SHOC standard and SHOC simple.

SHOC standard is an Arakawa C grid dataset with known coordinate names. SHOC standard datasets can be simplified in to a SHOC simple format, which is a curvilinear CF grid with known coordinate names.

SHOC standard files#

class emsarray.formats.shoc.ShocStandard(dataset, *, coordinate_names=None)#

SHOC datasets are ArakawaC datasets with predefined coordinate names for the four grids.


Coordinate names for SHOC datasets. The face coordinates are y_centre and x_centre, left edge coordinates are y_left and x_left, back edge coordinates are y_back and x_back, and node coordinates are y_grid and x_grid.

SHOC simple files#

class emsarray.formats.shoc.ShocSimple(dataset, *, latitude=None, longitude=None, topology=None)#

SHOC standard datasets can be simplified down to SHOC simple datasets, which are CFGrid2D curvilinear grids. The latitude and longitude coordinate variables are named j and i. Edge and node dimensions are dropped.