
Curvilinear Arakawa C grids.

See also

Arakawa grids on Wikipedia

class ArakawaC(dataset, *, coordinate_names=None)#

An Arakawa C grid is a curvilinear orthogonal grid with data defined on grid faces, edges, and nodes. The edges are split in to left and back edges.

There is a topology helper for each of the ArakawaC.face, ArakawaC.left, back, and node grids.

  • dataset (xarray.Dataset) – The dataset containing the Arakawa C grid

  • coordinate_names (dict) – A dict defining which coordinate variables define which grids. The keys are each of ‘face’, ‘left’, ‘back’, or ‘node’; and the values are a two-tuple of strings naming the latitude and longitude coordinate variables for that grid kind:

    coordinate_names = {
        'face': ('y_face', 'x_face'),
        'left': ('y_left', 'x_left'),
        'back': ('y_back', 'x_back'),
        'node': ('y_node', 'x_node'),
property face#

Topology for the face grid, an instance of ArakawaCGridTopology.

property left#

Topology for the left edge grid, an instance of ArakawaCGridTopology.

property back#

Topology for the back edge grid, an instance of ArakawaCGridTopology.

property node#

Topology for the node grid, an instance of ArakawaCGridTopology.


Arakawa C grid datasets have four grids: face, left, back, and node. ArakawaCGridKind represents this. Each grid is indexed by a grid kind and two integers i and j. The convention native index type is ArakawaCIndex.

class ArakawaCGridKind(value)#

Araawa C grid datasets can store data on cell faces, left edges, back edges, and nodes. The kind of grid is specified by this enum.


The face grid.


The left edge grid. The left edge i dimension is one larger than for the face i dimension. A face (j, i) will have left edges (j, i) and (j, i + 1)


The back edge grid. The back edge j dimension is one larger than for the face j dimension. A face (j, i) will have back edges (j, i) and (j + 1, i)


The node grid. The node i and j dimensions are one larger than for the face i and j dimensions. A face (j, i) will have nodes (j, i), (j + 1, i), (j, i + 1, and (j + 1, i + 1)


The native index type for Arakawa C grids is a tuple with three elements: (kind, j, i).

alias of Tuple[emsarray.conventions.arakawa_c.ArakawaCGridKind, int, int]


class ArakawaCGridTopology(dataset, *, latitude, longitude)#

A topology helper to deal with grid coordinates.

  • dataset (xarray.Dataset) – The Arakawa C gridded Dataset to introspect.

  • latitude (Hashable) – The name of the latitude coordinate variable.

  • longitude (Hashable) – The name of the longitude coordinate variable.

property latitude#

The latitude DataArray coordinate variable.

property longitude#

The logitude DataArray coordinate variable.

property j_dimension#

The name of the j dimension for this grid kind.

property i_dimension#

The name of the i dimension for this grid kind.

property shape#

The shape of this grid, as a tuple of (j, i).

property size#

The size of this grid, j * i.


c_mask_from_centres(face_mask, dimensions, coords=None)#

Create a mask for a SHOC standard file given a mask array for the cell centres to include. The full mask will include the centres, edges, and nodes.