.. _cli: ====================== Command line interface ====================== :mod:`emsarray` provides a command line interface allowing users to use some of the more common operations directly from their shell. When :mod:`emsarray` is :ref:`installed `, the command line interface will be available as ``emsarray``. Run that command to get the full help pages: .. code-block:: shell-session $ emsarray --help Available commands ================== ``emsarray --version`` ---------------------- Print the installed version of ``emsarray``. ``emsarray clip`` ----------------- Clip a dataset to a given GeoJSON geometry: .. code-block:: shell-session $ emsarray clip "./input-file.nc" "./clip.geojson" "./output-file.nc" Or clip a dataset to some geographic bounds: .. code-block:: shell-session $ emsarray clip "./input-file.nc" "147.08,-43.67,147.30,-43.45" "./output-file.nc" See ``emsarray clip --help`` for a full list of options. ``emsarray extract-points`` --------------------------- Extract the data at some points given in a CSV file: .. code-block:: shell-session $ emsarray extract-points gbr4.nc gbr4-points.csv gbr4-points.nc See ``emsarray extract-points --help`` for a full list of options.